14 year old Malala was shot by the Pakistani Taliban for championing girls' education

Fourteen-year-old Malala was shot by the Pakistani Taliban for championing girls' education. Now, this courageous child is clinging to life. If we all stand with her, we can help make her dream come true. Click below to call on Pakistan's leaders to support girls in school -- when we reach one million signers the UN Education Envoy has agreed to deliver it in person to Pakistan's president:

Sign the petition
The Taliban drove up to Malala's school and shot her in the neck and brain. Despite being hit at close range, this fourteen-year-old champion of girls’ education is surviving.
Many in Pakistan and around the world have now united behind Malala and her cause. This is a tipping point moment and if we act now we can help achieve the very thing she was targeted for: let’s call on the government of Pakistan to fund girls attending school, starting with her province.

This is our chance to turn Malala’s horror into hope. At her very young age she is an example of courage and determination, but now she is fighting to survive, and it’s our turn to help her win her dream. Sign the petition -- when 1 million people have signed the UN education envoy, Gordon Brown, will deliver our call in person to the President of Pakistan, and the Pakistani media:


Malala drew the world’s attention to the Taliban’s reign of terror in North-West Pakistan by writing a blog for the BBC. Her writing records the devastating consequences of extremism which include the systematic destruction of hundreds of girls’ schools and violent intimidation of thousands of families.

Pakistan's constitution says girls should be educated alongside boys, but politicians have ignored that for years. Only 29% of girls attend secondary school. Even if only half of them finished, Pakistan could grow 6% faster every year. Study after study has shown the positive impact on personal and national income when girls are educated. Malala has drawn the world's attention, and her President has spoken out strongly for her cause. So let's help her persuade the government to roll out a massive girls stipend programme, plus school buildings and teacher training. Money is available, what's lacking is political will.

Let’s turn this shock at the Taliban’s attack on a young girl into a wave of international pressure that forces Pakistan to address girls’ education. Click below to stand with Malala and support a massive girls’ education campaign in Pakistan, backed by resources, security and most importantly the will to fight the extremists who tear down Pakistan:



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