New coating technology will keep your car clean
Up to now there were functional coatings with highly water resistant or antibacterial properties but those coatings lose their properties by minor scratches.
This has been a big limitation to the possible applications of these coatings but Researcher Catarina Esteves of the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at TU/e and her colleagues have now found a solution to this problem.
They developed surfaces with special 'stalks' carrying the functional chemical groups at their ends, and mixing with the coating.
If the surface layer is damaged by scratching, the 'stalks' in the underlying layer repair the surface, thereby restoring the function.
So with this coating you can have your car clean and free from minor scratches.
Researcher Esteves expects the first coatings to be ready for production within six to eight years at prices comparable to those of today’s coatings.
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